Since we were on the subject anyway....

"You violated a host of laws that you as a congressman are sworn to enforce and uphold."

- U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, on sentencing Ney

Former GOP congressman Bob Ney has been sentenced to two and a half years in federal prison on corruption charges and bribe and generally with dealing with scumbag Jack Abramhoff. He is eligible for $29,000 a year in federal pension, even though he too is a rotten piece of crap.

Hopefully the Senate helps do away with this loophole that causes us to pay pensions to felons.

In another similar, but equally heinous vein, I heard a bit on Marketplace last night that I wanted to share. An anonymous citizen proposes that our recently retired legislators who constantly get big money to lobby against this country's best interest should be forced to make a choice: you can be a lobbyist or you can keep your pension. Today, you get to do both. Let's at least make it to where we are not paying for this form of scumbag behavior either.