Liars and miscreants

"Thanks to untrustworthy officials, our culture and our country have stopped making sense."

- Lynne Cheney, Telling the Truth

I doubt the old battleaxe thought we'd be discussing her husband and his shadow government when she wrote that, but that's karma for ya.

I heard this quote when NPR's Daniel Shorr was discussing the lack of truth telling in government today (audio link here).

I'm not going to cover Gonzales firing lawyers because Karl Rove told him to. I'm not surprised. Alberto doesn't seem to have a thought of his own, unless it involves torturing people; which apparently gives him wood just mulling it over. It isn't that I'm not concerned; I'm just not "shocked" as the media are. This is the crap we've come to expect from these guys.

Here's the media whitewashing bad news from Afghanistan and covering pro-religious education in our public schools instead. Even this doesn't shock me, it just pissed me off. First, that we can't be trusted to discuss critical national security issues because it might piss of Georgie Boy. Second, that even the media is trying to cram religion down our collective throats.

Look, once again, it isn't faith that offends me; it is the racist, hatemongering conservative Talibangelical types that want to subvert democracy to fit their needs that offends me. Seriously, go to church, pray, give to the community - these are all good things. But trying to take over a democracy (successfully so far) and having our tax dollars pay to turn this nation into a fascist theocracy is NOT practicing Christ-like behavior. I mean, I don't remember anywhere in the new testament where Jesus turned the scientists into pigs, called them liars and silenced their theories. I also don't remember him stealing Roman gold to pay his disciples. Much less blowing up clinics, assaulting people and spouting "God hates fags", etc.

But I digress.

Basically, if the fundamentalists want to be on welfare, I say we put them to work actually helping people, not just taking money to preach abstinence or converting drug addicts or homosexuals or whatever it is they do. I figure they should work building schools and hospitals and stuff we need besides their narrow minded form of religion.

Either that, or they can keep our tax dollars and lose the free police and fire protection we already give them. You can't steal from the till twice, you see. You either pay taxes or let Bushie boy give you free money. You can't have both.

Moving on....

Along with this theme, apparently Americans do like it when politicians admit mistakes. This news may come too late for "Stonewall" Hillary Clinton, but you get the idea.

Here's an honest look at how conservatives want to deal with Iran: either bomb it or assassinate someone. Then again, given how their leader speaks, I can see why they'd opt out of talking.

The White House website is getting heavily edited to remove embarrasing quotes, interviews, speeches, basically anything that proves that the administration has been lying and has no clue what it is doing on, well, anything.

In North Carolina, schools are giving out racist anti-Muslim propaganda. You think that story is bad? Read some of the comments.

Good news for me. Yellow ribbon sales have decreased, which means less free money for the Chinese PLA or whoever makes those things.

Because I'm a sick bastard, I'll wrap up with this. Last week, the brother of Iraq's deputy premier died when one of his brother's bodyguards blew himself up, as well as his yellow Volkswagen. To tell you how mental I am, the first thing I thought of on hearing this story was a Volkswagen Polo ad that never got aired. You can catch it here on YouTube.