Frat boys will be villians

Well, apparently the age of wealthy elite supremacy isn't over, no matter what the conservative buttwipes want to scare you into believing. Three Florida A&M frat boys just basically got away with beating the hell out of a pledge. Sure, they got some probation but I'm sure they'll dial that back eventually too.

In short, "The victim, Marcus Jones, 20, of Decatur, Ga., was struck on the bottom with wooden canes and in the head with fists and boxing gloves during unauthorized initiation rites last year. A doctor operated on his buttocks to help heal a large bruise. Jones also suffered a broken ear drum."

So, basically, they tortured the kid. Some of you will say, "damn, John, it is just harmless college boy fun." A few years ago, I might even tend to agree with you. But then there's this problem. If you like daft, rich, silver-spoon boys think they can beat people up - and hell, even torture folks - for fun and get away with it (which they usually do), you get George Bush.

And honestly, I don't know if these guys are rich or just go into their frat through something other than family ties. And honestly, I don't even care. I liked frat parties when I was in school but never saw the need to join one. Frankly, it is more snooty of a concept than I ever wanted to buy into. Seriously, you would trump all other considerations in life by what Greek system someone joined? Get over it.

In any case, in another example of unseemly connections, three federal judges have ruled that those bilked by Enron cannot file a class action lawsuit against the banks that profited from Kenny Boy's illegal gains. The rich can get richer against the law but if they screw you over, you don't get a chance to be recompensed for trusting evil, greedy bastards.

Sounds just like another edict from the White House, in tone if not in fact.