Notes from delerium

I caught some miserable virus that almost literally knocked me on my butt this morning. So I spent the rest of the morning and the better part of the afternoon in a quasi-coma on the couch.

I ain't exactly ready to take on the world right now but I'm bored stiff and have a really slow-moving browser here. So, I'm gonna unload some choice tabs on you in the interests of checking sports scores and the like. Enjoy.

First off, if you are still in the midst of filing your taxes, don't forget your phone tax refund. Every little bit helps, right?

Hey look. The Duke lacrosse team is number one in the rankings. See what happens when you stop raping women, lying, and being degenerate pigs. Okay, maybe not the last one: they DO go to Duke, after all.

Wanna see sports as done by lunatics? I bring you sub-aqua ice hockey.

Bush is lying about the cost of the Iraq War. Is this even news?

A "must-do" list on reversing the crimes of the Bush/Cheney regime.

Newt Gingrich, waiting to be anointed the GOP candidate for president, helps his cause of attracting evil racists by blaming the poor of New Orleans for the post-Katrina fiasco.

Speaking of Katrina, Bush finally remembered that a few of the states of the Union, states that even voted for him, were languishing in need of federal help. So he went down there, and passed out flags. Gee, thanks George.

Have a good one folks.