Fair and balanced?

So, Roger Ailes, the patient zero of the virus known as FoxNews, gave a speech recently. In it, he stated that Bill Clinton wants to kill his wife, the French are incompetent warriors, and that Barack Obama is a member of al-Qaeda. He then went on to bash John Edwards for backing out of any Fox-sponsored debates as a form of media blacklisting.


You advocate the death of a presidential candidate, label another one a traitor to America, and call a third a coward basically. Your network says pretty much the same thing 24 hours a day while promoting hellspawns like O'Reilly, Coulter, and Malkin. But when someone decides to avoid your venomous grasp, you accuse them of censorship.

Look, if you still think FoxNews is an unbiased news source, I've got some leftover koolaid from Guiana for you to guzzle down.

And now Harry Reid and the Nevada Democratic Party have dropped out of the FAUXNews-sponsored debate. Bravo.