Our states get a clue

First off, my wife is cooler than you already think. For Valentine's Day she got me Lewis Black tickets and last night we went to catch the show. Granted, this may not be your thing, but it is mine and we had a good time. Also got to catch up with Z and his wife Ashley and eat tapas at Firefly. Trust me, when you get to town to visit, you may wish to ask us to take you there. Good stuff.

So, I've been collecting a wide assortment of environmental links and I should just go ahead and post them before they expire. Basically, the news is still bad but at least someone is working on the solution. Hint: It sure the hell ain't Bush and his "despoil the Earth, it's Rapture time!" pals.

In case you hadn't heard, it is official: this was the warmest winter on record. Considering it has been in the 90s here in Vegas this weekend, I tend to believe it.

And you think global warming doesn't affect you? Then explain where you are going to get your food when the honey bees disappear. Apparently our bees are going away or dying; bees that pollinate about a third of our crops. More here.

Here's some info on what the states are doing instead of waiting on the Bushites to wake up to reality. Plus some ways of getting ethanol you might not have thought of. And a more conventional article on the subject.

What's the conservative response? To offer $100,000 to anyone who can attempt to discredit world scientific opinion. And these aren't your average fringe freak conservatives. Well, actually they *are*, but since they are the American Enterprise Institute, they are more involved with the Bush administration than most of the drill-till-its-gone, rapture bunnies.

This wouldn't be as frightening except that only 13% of Congressional GOP member believe in man-made global warming. Seriously, among a select few of our 300+ million who lead us, only thirteen frigging percent of one of the conservative group doesn't buy into global warming? I mean, how many are still flat-earthers in that group?

Hell, if they are going to be anti-science, anti-reality types, let's take away their air travel and modern technology. Don't want them having to have a moral issue with the concept of non-natural plastics or - GASP! - endangering them with falling off the "side" of the planet.

Alright, I'm done with that nonsence. Instead, here's a final oddity of the winter season.