Random work entries (conference call edition)

I'd *like* to go home, but I'm on a conference call.

Here's my browsing highlights:

- On this day: the Monitor and Virginia (Merrimack) traded shots in the first armored ship battle

- Another Wired article about Korean horror flicks

- Kroger does the right thing and forces their pharmacists to leave their hate-filled ethics at the door and fill all prescriptions

- Two articles concerning the military. The first on the equipment shortages many, many units face. The other article on the heavy rotation of units through Iraq and Afghanistan and the effects of this on both equipment, morale, readiness, and personnel.

- More on how Bush has historically screwed our vets over. Hint: it didn't start with Walter Reed.

- Bush is out of the country trying to appease Latin America. In Guatemala this isn't going to work. Mayan priests are already planning to purify an archealogical site after Bush visits it. Kudos.

Well, call's over and I fly out Sunday morning. Wish me luck as I head to New Orleans.