Bill O'Reilly is still a piece of shit

I noticed I've been off my PG-13 rule a couple times lately. I'll try to keep it down. It would help if someone would slap the people who piss me off into submission.

Bill Moyers has come out of retirement to address the sordid state of the media, particularly when it came to cheerleading and/or quietly submitting to the war in Iraq. Here's an interview he did with Rolling Stone recently, and one he did on Fresh Air this week.

To watch his show, Buying the War, follow this link.

To watch one of Moyer's target's, the ass-to-mouth proponent, former-A Current Affair "reporter" Bill O'Reilly, whine about being picked on by a real journalist, go here. In all fairness, I probably got about three minutes into this before feeling filthy. So let me know if anything of value (HA!) comes from the remaining five minutes or so.

In any event, O'Reilly should know enough to get his shrill ass out of the way when a person of integrity is trying to speak. I'd like to think we're turning a corner here, but I doubt it.