
"No one suffers more than their president and I do."

- Laura Bush, about the situation in Iraq; could she possibly be more full of shit?

(Title courtesy of Sevendust. If you haven't heard it, find the song on their album, Home)

We start off with the Congressional hearing concerning the lies the government gave surrounding Pat Tillman's death (and the whole Jessica Lynch fiasco, but I still find contempt for all involved in that). You know it is a bad scene when Tillman's brother says the whole sordid affair is "utter fiction…intended to deceive the family and more importantly the American people.

The GOP did everything but call Nancy Pelosi a traitor when she went to talk to the Syrians recently. Strangely, they haven't said a word about GOP Representative David Hobson, who accompanied her.

Speaking of the Middle East, most Muslims think our goal is to destroy their religion. Not that "Crusader" Bush hasn't done enough to give them that impression or anything....

Yet another forgotten soldier screwed over by the government. Watch it and be as pissed off as I am about the way the Bushites treat our veterans.

Even MORE bad news concerning veteran's health care.

McCain is officially running for president, and has officially signed on a global warming denier. Just so the few of you still trying to claim he's a good fella can eat more crow.

Nazi Pope has taken away the concept of limbo. Still not sure where my feelings are on that move.

After making billions promoting rap and hip-hop acts, Russell Simmons wants them to tone down on the cursing and demeaning of women. Glad you thought of that when cashing all those checks, Russ.

Usually I remember to pet Mono on the head and make sure he's got food, water, and available toys before heading off to work. Some folks, however, apparently need to get "puppy Prozac" to get their pets through the day.
