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Random links and NPR audio streams for ya to check out.

Congress got their collective act together and are sending a bill to Bush with a mere request to get our troops out of Iraq by next year. But while they are compromising, Bullheaded Bush continues to plan to veto it.

Meanwhile, that idiot Glenn Beck, CNN's quisling conservative, is equating leaving Iraq to slavery.

So how are the troops taking this news? While news that Army and Guard units are exceeding their recruitment/retention quotas (remember, these were lowered previously as the services couldn't meet pre-war levels so this ain't so great news as they'd have you believe), there is a concern that high level NCOs and high level officers are leaving/retiring early. I've touched on this before and there is quite a bleak story about the loss of veteran combat leaders.

Meanwhile, other vets (and active members) are actively speaking out against the war.

Oh, and the whole training the Iraqi army concept is falling by the wayside. From everything I've heard, it wasn't working anyway.

And that "Long War" title? Yeah, that's being quietly pushed out of use too.