Georgie's girl

“I don’t know what we were supposed to preemptively strike in Afghanistan. Perhaps somebody can ask that."

- Condoleeza Rice, on why we didn't she and her "husband" didn't try to take out bin Laden prior to 9/11

I know, I'm picking on "Condi" but she's been in the news lately so she brought it upon herself.

Ex-CIA head George Tenet has written a tell-all book, giving those of us without a Ranger-level donation (or Pioneer, whatever is higher) to Bush's campaign a look at the administration. The picture is ugly and the Bushites are circling the wagons. Rice, in the above quote, is trying to cover her ass after Tenet told her that al-Qaeda was going to attack and she basically ignored him.

She's also running around claiming that UN inspectors knew there were WMDs in Iraq; something they have never claimed.

She also claimed that "the surge" would work after 2-3 months "or else." So, it has been that long. What now? An excert of the transcript on 1/11/2007:

Rice: I think that over the next several months they’re (the Iraqis) going to have to show that.

Sen. Obama: Or else what? Mr. Chairman –

Rice: Or this plan — or this plan is not — this plan is not going to work.

Do tell.

To wrap up, apparently someone has bothered to write a biography of Rice. In it are some more allusions to her admiration of Bush...and maybe more?