A couple of proposals

I got to catch a John Edwards speech here on campus today. (Note that I couldn't find local coverage of his stop.) Granted, I'm leaning pretty solidly for Obama, but prior to him entering the race Edwards was my boy.

He's still great to listen to and I still like where he's coming from. That said, it is kind of like when Dad wanted to back Dick Gephart but knew the guy just didn't understand what it would take to win an election. Idealism is fine, and facts and plans are great too. That said, unfortunately you have to capture the attention of the morons watching American Idol while simultaneously either winning over or not scaring the NASCAR mouth-breathers enough to vote either for you out of interest or not voting against you out of reactionary fear.

This is one of the reasons I'm going with Obama: he knows you have to get rowdy when the bigots, corporate shitheels, and reactionaries come after you.

That said, Edwards spoke for a good 40 minutes and honestly answered a good half dozen questions. I was impressed and, while still sticking to my decision, I really wish he'd grow enough of a mean streak to handle anything the GOP would throw at him.

Judging by the online sites, both Edwards and Obama want to focus on some of the ills Bush can fix. Edwards' campaign is Time to Go, an effort to ask Bush to fire Karl Rove. Meanwhile, Obama's campaign is One signature could end this war, a move to get Bush to sign Congress' bill and get our troops the hell out of Iraq.

Neither effort will succeed unfortunately, but I love the pluck each campaign is putting out.