Host with the most

Last weekend Leslie and I watched The Host, a Korean humor cum comedy flick that is maybe in your area. It is an indictment against US wanton mistreatment of our allies (and apparently inspired by an actual incident, though the rest of the movie is it's own creation), enviromental pollution and a slap towards South Korean government control and public submission.

It isn't world cinema by any means, and doesn't pretend to be. It also doesn't pretend to be intellectually stimulating. It is a family movie by way of attacking monster with a few keen observations thrown in. I had a good time watching it. If you can get over watching subtitles, you probably will too.

Here's our local review (and when did we get sci-fi writer K.W. Jeter writing for the local free paper?) and a Wired story on the rise of Korean horror flicks (though this sure the heck isn't Old Boy).