On the radio (and other stuff)

I was riding around and listeing to NPR as usual. The local station has a show called "State of Nevada" that deals with local issues, and the occasional entertainer who comes to town. Today, they had an interview with Dita von Teese, known for her burlesque shows. I mention it because it was a surprisingly good and interesting interview. It should be the fourth link down on the page.

Some international reaction to the Virginia Tech shootings and American gun fever in general. South Korea is particularly embarassed and worried about retaliation against its citizens here in the States.

Some articles on administration-led voter fraud and on Bush apparently losing his mind.

Oh, when the Bushites actually spend time giving lip service to promoting democracy, they kick out reporters who try to attend the "open hearings." There's some obvious lessons there Americans should be paying attention to.

Remember the recent stories on the disappearance of bees? Apparently cell phones may be to blame.