Then...and now

"Sending more Americans would undermine our strategy of encouraging Iraqis to take the lead in this fight. And sending more Americans would suggest that we intend to stay forever, when we are, in fact, working for the day when Iraq can defend itself and we can leave."

- Bush, June 28, 2005

"The solution to Iraq — an Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself — is more than a military mission. Precisely the reason why I sent more troops into Baghdad."

- Bush, April 3, 2007

And this clown had the stones to accuse Kerry of being a flip-flopper?

Bush has been trying to accuse Democrats of harming the troops by trying to end the immoral war that gets them killed. He's put some arbitrary 57 days out figure for when the military is going to feel the pinch. So wait? Fifty-seven days is a period long enough to destroy our military? How about when the frigging Republicans took 86 days in 2005 and 119 days in 2006 to approve Bush's supplemental budgets. So what's the problem now? Oh yeah, his puppets aren't in charge.

As for this "not supporting the troops" BS, I'd argue that trying to get our fighting men and women out of an illegal war is EXACTLY what we should do to support our troops in Iraq.

And, concerning this "don't put pork in a supplemental spending bill" crap, I reference the morons who are crying now are the same idiots who gave you the "bridge to nowhere."

Nancy Pelosi went to Syria to at least talk with a regime we don't get along with and the White House promptly sold her out, even though the let GOP congressional types go there with no comment. What is worse is that she threw on a head scarf to respect local cultural mores. And then promptly gets squewered for it by the GOP, who have no problems with Laura "I killed my boyfriend" Bush doing it. Not to mention Bush dressing up in local garb every time he's in Asia, etc.

It's called diplomacy and good graces. Our government should be doing MORE of it, not bashing those who realize we have more tools at our disposal than an airstrike.

As Madeline Albright recently said on The Colbert Report, "Armageddon is not exactly a foreign policy."

Then again, the GOP had no problem with Hastert used to run around the globe actively subverting the Clinton administration.

Republican Candidate for Moron of the Century John McCain went to Baghdad recently to back up his "straight talk" about being able to walk safely down the street there. Let me get this right. He said that there "are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today.” And he did.

All it took was 100 troops, snipers on the root tops and 3 BlackHawks and two Apache attack helicopters. Oh, and he had to wear a flak jacket.

Reporters spoke with market vendors after the circus went back to the Green Zone and here are some excerpts.

The next day? Sniper return to the market.