You volunteer to serve in our military. You get sent to Iraq for all the wrong reasons. Your president doesn't provide you with body armor, proper weapons, and armored vehicles. He serves fake turkey to you for Thanksgiving as a photo op. He tries to cut your combat pay and veteran's benefits, while hiring mercenaries at five times your pay or more. Oh, and when Congress wants him to stop the war, he ignores them.
What could be worse? Losing custody of your child for answering your nation's call. Granted, I can't put this all at the feet of George Bush, but he'd better stop letting his boy Al fire all the government lawyers long enough to get this problem fixed. As in right the hell now.
Oh the bright side, at least someone agrees with Bush's surge. Too bad it's al-Qaeda's number two goon. Does that mean Bush is an enemy of America? Don't laugh, stuff like that is how he got re-elected.
That and disenfranchising Ohio voters.
Turns out our soldiers aren't very ethical. Hmm, what was your first clue? Abu-Ghraib? Seriously, between rotten schools, reality TV, and corrupt role models, do you blame them?
Speaking of an utter lack of ethics, the White House is "requesting" that reporters wear yellow cancer bracelets that say "Tony Snow." Okay, here's the deal: you don't co-opt the media anymore, quit making them take sides, and stop pimping their emotions to a guy who calls half of them traitors. And make a frigging donation to the Lance Armstrong Foundation while you sick bastards are at it.
Newt Gingrich is convinced Republicans can win any debate with Democrats as long they don't talk about:
- Iraq
- Katrina
- Walter Reed
- George Bush himself
- Firing US attorneys
Let me just add pissing on the Constitution, legalizing torture, spying on citizens, giving rich people and corporations massive tax breaks, hiring Halliburton and mercenaries, and so on. How about being on the wrong side of American public opinion on stem cell research, science in general, abortion and the environment. Oh, and the whole "I don't believe in evolution" thing doesn't help your cause as being considered as sane and credible.
Meanwhile we can't even help the Iraqis provide for their own wounded.
Last stop: Rush Limbaugh is a racist. But you already knew that.