
"Time and again, when the people of Kansas need help, the Kansas National Guard has responded without hesitation. Now the Guard needs Washington’s help. The President and Congress need to step up to the plate and give our Guard members the support they deserve...."

"The Guard cannot train on equipment they do not have. The more resources that are left behind, the less able our guardsmen are to prepare here at home. And in a state like Kansas, where tornados, floods, blizzards and wildfires can seemingly happen all at once, we need our Guardsmen to be as prepared as possible."

- Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, February 27, 2007

Bush must have a thing for hating women governors. First Blanco in Louisiana during Katrina, now Sebelius in Kansas over the tornadoes this weekend.

The White House is blaming the governor for not having enough resources available to her state National Guard. She is pointing out that her state's equipment is getting shot up in Iraq.

Their excuse is that she didn't request replacement equipment. Given the record, that would be called a lie.

Think Kansas is alone with this problem? Think again. Many other states are equally as screwed.

One note on the potential Fort Dix attackers. They weren't caught by secret torture prisons, or illegal wire tapping, or any criminal methods advocated by Bush, Cheney, Gonzales, et al. They were caught by an informant tipping off the FBI and use of video surveillance and analysis of video the morons shot of themselves acting like agitated gun nuts.

So much for the PATRIOT Act BS.