Greetings from Tucson

Hey. I actually liked that show.

Anyway, working the weekend here just south of Tucson. Haven't had a lot of time to eat/sleep/relax/etc. except for going out to a teppanyaki place called Sakura back in town. Hit that if you get over this way sometime.

Ray also strongly recommends Mi Nidito for Mexican food but I was tired and cranky so I don't have the best rave review for it. Mileage and opinions my vary however cuz the place had a good vibe.

Best of the week: Bush gets crapped on by a sparrow. Look, when nature is against you, this should be taken as a sign. The White House is spinning this as good luck. I saw we cover the boy blunder in crap every day until he's out of office. He could use the luck.

Bonus video of the asswipe wiping.

The Falwell funeral brought out all the head GOP miscreants. It also brought out their base, including a 19-year old "Liberty" University student who brought bombs to the funeral to blow up protesters with. Look, you conservatives scream that the God Hates Fags asswipes can go to the funerals of our war dead; the concept of protesting a hate-filled bigot's funeral is just a drop in the bucket of retribution.

More GOP stalwarts in trouble as the Minutemen start experiencing trouble at the top. Corrupt, brash and narcissistic? From conservative racists? Nah.

The whole anti-immigrant thing is even too much for Bob Novak.

Think the borders are unsecure now? Wait until Bush lets his crony pals ship Border Patrol agents to Iraq.

Then again, they need the help there as even the Air Force is deploying as ground troops.

Memorial Day is coming up and instead of just grilling and hanging with the family, take a few minutes at what the folks at the IAVA have recommended. At the least, thank a vet.

Speaking of our troops, here is a grim story about the cost of war on our troops directly. It is pretty sober.

Meanwhile, the Bushites are once again failing to deliver on getting equipment to our troops; this time the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles.

Between Republicans crying like ninnies (Good job Ohio!) and Democrats selling out, Bush gets a free pass to keep fighting his illegal, immoral, impossible war. Check how your senator did to support or sell out the troops.

Not a real surprise, but FAUXNews covers the Iraq War less than CNN and MSNBC and in some parts of the day spent more time on Anna Nicole Smith than their Commander Guy's debacle. News, huh?

A fluff bit on Al Gore and on whether or not he'll run for president.

In the UK, they are no longer teaching the Holocaust as it will insult Muslims. Same for the Crusades. Apparently, you aren't supposed to contract whatever is being taught at the mosque.

You know what? Screw that. We have the same problem here with creationists and abstinence idiots. You have every right to screw up your own children's minds with mythology, hate, and silly ass concepts of sex and general health. You do NOT, however, have the right to force your narrow-minded bigotry onto the rest of the populace. You don't like public schools? Quit trying to destroy them and go to parochial school where your child will be stilted socially, educationally backwards, and ready for the Dark Ages you so openly crave for.