"Conservatives believe that their country can do no wrong, like a teenage girl might feel about Orlando Bloom.

"Liberals understand that their country has faults, but love it so much that they want to help America better itself. They want to make sure that it does not do things which will screw up its future."

- From an article on DailyKos concerning patriotism

Sorry I've been away for awhile. Had two long weeks, then a fairly hellacious on-call and then basically slept away two days while also celebrating Leslie and my seventy anniversary. So I've been distracted.

Not that things outside my life have been going all that great anyway. And by that, I mean the sordid state of affairs that is the Chicago Cubs. I mean, seriously, all that money blown on tallent that doesn't perform and now fist-fights in the clubhouse. Get it together guys; you are actually making the Yankees look sympathetic.

Well, not to me, but you get the idea.

One new thing, there is now a "creationist museum." Whatever the hell *that* means.

One thing that's the same, O'Reilly: still a racist.

Aside from the quoted article above, a few other tidbits from DailyKos concerning the Taliban, the fall of the Roman Empire and its parallels, a comparison of Iraqi losses in US population terms, and an article on wind energy.

In other environment news, a 1930s program to fund coal plants is about the only New Deal legistlation conservatives like, as long as it gives money to their energy company pals.

This year is currently the hottest year on record. An ExxonMobil is still funding global warming deniers despite promising otherwise. Big Oil lying? Why am I not surprised?

Will sake power the cars of the future? Say it isn't so!

However, here is some hope for the future: a stinkless durian.