Mission Accomplished?

“Major combat operations have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.”

- Bush, May 1, 2003

It is been four years since Bush idiotically declared the above statement. ThinkProgress has a sobering look at the cost of war in lives and dollars since May 1, 2003. It is really worth a look at.

This is what that money could have been better used for. As for the lives lost, so much more joy would be in the world today without all those deaths.

Today Bush is getting a bill that could end this war - or at least our involvement in it - by next year. He's going to veto it. The GOP won't stop him, the Democrats don't have enough votes. Here's hoping the God whose name he commits evil in will judge him accordingly. Meanwhile, we've still got the cretin in office for a couple more years. Good luck.