There are gaps in staffing at the White House as senior level folks leave and it is hard to find people to replace them. I mean, how do you sell that? "We're at 28% and you'll likely lose your job in less than two years. The world hates us and most of us are just corrupt puppets following a mad king. COME ON BOARD!"
Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly has lifted his self-imposed boycott of France since they elected a pro-American conservative. A few things wrong with that. One, the conservatives have been in power for 12 years. Two, Sarkozy is not Tony Blair toy poodle to be told what to do. Three, every time the French befriend us we get something like Vietnam handed to us on a silver platter. Four, our imports from France actually increased during the "boycott". Five, let's face reality: we have really made it hard for anyone to blindly support our policies.
And John Murtha says the Bushites might extend our troop's tours yet another three months. Other than redneck wife-beating racists, is there a constituency Bush is determined not to piss off?