"Then we kick the press out."

- Cheney, 5/9/2007, in Baghdad

The above quote is courtesy of Cheney's surprise visit to Baghdad today. These surprises piss me off for a couple reasons. First, shouldn't these asshats grow some balls and show up planned in a warzone of their own making? It literally serves them right. Second, do they even tell the Iraqis or just show up unannounced as if Iraq is an untrusted pet project.

Third, I guess, would be - once again - grow a pair you warmongering chickenhawks. At least McCain went to war instead of making excuses. He's still a punk bitch, but he at least served and not in a "I'm hiding in an Alabama hangar" kind of way.

As for the quote, Cheney still thinks full disclosure and press reporting (not that they are any good at full disclosure) is more dangerous than terrorists. Mostly because he has so much to hide, I imagine.

Meanwhile, the US Embassy is now demanding that their employees wear flak jackets and helmets in the Green Zone. Wait, isn't that supposed to be the safe part of Iraq?

This is probably because almost no one from either the Commerce or State departments will volunteer to go to Iraq. Hmm, I can't imagine why. Maybe they should draft some College Republicans to do the job. They won't join the military, they all want us to stay in Iraq until Judgement Day, and unless they have internships with the government, they sure the hell aren't doing anything this summer. It is a perfect match I think.

Bush spread empty words of consolation in Kansas today. Oh, I'm sure he thinks he cares, but when it comes time to write the checks, he'll probably be on one of his ten vacations a year. Just another photo op.

Speaking of annoying cartoon characters, the Hamas version of Mickey Mouse got yanked off the air. I imagine they'll find another way to teach their children how to hate and strap bomb vests to themselves. Real wholesome folks, Hamas. I mean, I know Palestinians, but I don't think they'd vote for a terrorist group to teach their kids to be as bad as Nazis, drooling at the concept of blowing up a school bus. Apparently there are enough who do though.

It would be sad except it is more disgusting than anything else. Scum of the earth, kindly keep the kids out of it and let them try to have a decent childhood before you screw it all up for them.