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"Trying to hush up and punish fellow Americans for exercising the same democratic right we're trying to instill in Iraq is not what we're all about."

- Gary Kurpius, National Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars

Contrary to popular belief, I actually do use Internet Explorer from time to time, usually when there's a site that won't resolve otherwise. So, when I was on-call last week I collected a few stories I didn't link in the last post. Since I am thinking about a reboot and since I haven't found a way to save sessions in IE yet, I might as well clear said tabs.

Since the Bushites are all about torture, it has been up for discussion recently. Poor Andrew Sullivan remains torn between his conservative ideals and knowing his politics side with bigots, hatemongers and villians. Therefore he is very careful not to call Bushites Nazis when saying their proposed interrogation methods are basically those of, ahem, Nazis.

O'Reilly AND McCain are racists.

Homeland Security in Alabama deems gay rights groups and anti-war types as terrorists. Then again, no one has ever accused Alabama of being a bastion of democracy. Then again, they went for Bush 56.46% in 2000, and 62.46% in 2004, so as they would say down South, there's your sign. They saw dictatorship and MORE people voted for it.

Bush has nominated a homophobe who wants to "cure" gays for the position of Surgeon General. Bet you miss C. Everett Koop even more now.

Speaking of lousy Republicans, here's a look at the piece of crap we have for governor here in Nevada.

More on the new global warming denier lovefest over coal.

Speaking of denial, did you know the UN is still are paying people to look for WMD in Iraq?

The Bushites are still spreading lies about those who oppose them. In this case, Kansas Governor Kathy Sebelius who got on Bush's ass for dismantling her National Guard and leaving it stretched too thin for emergency response during a tornado last month.

One last note from Cindy Sheehan as she exits the stage.

Plus, how the Justice Department has voided a merger that would have eliminated a conservative newspaper in Charleston, WV. Now, this is not exactly a mass market. Strange how I don't remember this happening when the Houston Chronicle bought out the Post years ago and the politics went the other way.


In military news, the VFW is asking the military to back off when it comes to censoring anti-war speech by military servicemen and vets.

At Fort Drum in NY state and Fort Lewis in Washington, the bases are resorting to monthly memorial services as they are now unable to keep up with the demand of offering individual services due to the increase of servicemember deaths due to Iraq.

Meanwhile, we are sending amputees back to Iraq. I do not question the soldier's desire to serve; I question the situation that demands they go back rather than merely allows them to.

Morale is down and the Iraq-trained insurgents are branching out across the Middle East.

Oh joy.