Day of relaxation

Finally, a day to sit back and relax a little. Some home cooked food, play with the dog, watch some baseball and watch my fantasy baseball team make it to the league final and also peripherally watch my two fantasy football teams go 1-1 with wins this week. Plus, the apartment is a little more picked up now since Leslie's schedule got a very brief breather (not completely, she's still on call) and I'm home for a couple days before rolling out again.

Some more reaction to conservative anti-troop asshat Dave Rye:

How To Support the Troops, GOP-style:

* Drag them into an illegal war.
* Keep them there.
* Suggest that bringing them home is "abandoning them in the field."
* Call them stupid after they die.

by kath25 on Sat Sep 15, 2007 at 12:36:33 PM PDT


Gary Vincent Says: September 15th, 2007 at 7:36 pm

Mr. Rye,

Your theory is stupid and insulting. And it
would be even if the soldier you insulted
hadn’t died on the field of battle, but that
makes your comments even more odious.

And while I might misspell “recalcitrant,”
if I weren’t careful, I would know what it
meant, and I think I know a few other
things too, or at least I tried in the course
of earning a bachelors and a masters

I bet you even think you support the troops.
How can you look in the mirror?

oh, by the way, I sign this note:

Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States, Retired.

That about sums up my feelings on this. Maybe Olbermann will pick up on this. Check out his latest on Bush's "what me worry?" war speech the other night.

More on said speech from the IHT.

Rolling out in a few days. Wish me luck.