GOP: Not so much of a big tent

"Pardon my skepticism, and certainly no disrespect for the dead Montana soldier, but in my time in the Army I never heard such a word as “recalcitrant” escape the lips of any Staff Sergeant."

- David Rye, conservative moron, accusing our troops of being too stupid to have written the recent NYT editorial against the war.

I don't know how they stand putting up with idiots like this, but insulting the dead, specifically in this case, Sgt. Yance Gray, where I come from is considered pretty damn low of a thing to do.

Apparently the GOP just calls that scratching the surface. Then again, given the treatment of Max Cleeland in 2000, Tammy Duckworth and others in 2006, John Kerry in 2004, and just about every other Democratic vet by the Republicans, this shouldn't be too much of a surprise for all of us.

These REMFs and armchair generals only live to use our military for political gain, and ignore them at best and insult them and deny them materiel and medical treatment at worst.

One encouraging bit of news is that our military, both active and Guard are donating primarily to Barack Obama and Ron Paul, the two foremost anti-war candidates in their respective parties. Obama leads any candidate in funds given by this group. If that isn't heartening to those of us against the war and a revelation to those who blindly follow Bush, I don't know what is.

Meanwhile, FAUXNews didn't even broadcast the Democratic response to Bush's speech the other night. You know, the one where he looks like he's about to cry? Yeah, real fair and balanced you fricking idiots. Somebody either pull them off the air or start treating them like the partisan jerkoffs they really are.

Then again, the same network reports on Iraq far less than other networks do. Hell, Anderson Cooper is probably emoting from the Green Zone as I type this.

Oh, and the Iraqis actually want our military there occupying them, according to Tony Snow. Well, that's only 21% percent of them, and most of them are Kurds.

"What, you are going to take the wetback's word over ours? We are Americans."

Crystal Tancredo, who claims to be related to GOP Scumbag Tom Tancredo, after slapping an officer who was already trying to stop her from shoving another person around

Tavis Smiley is accusing the GOP of ignoring minorities. The man has a point. They've all blown off appearing at a debate at Morgan State University, historically known as a black college.

And every Republican candidate except John McCain have blown off Univision and it's proposed debate. They didn't even respond to requests from the network.

More examples of the GOP's sabotage of its relations with Latinos here.

Look, it is one thing for me to personally decide never to vote for a party that actively supports the racists in its ranks. It is another thing for said party to ignore that members of other races even exist in America.

This is complete and utter BS and there is no way around that point of view, so don't even try convincing me otherwise.