More Iraq news

Garry Trudeau has been very supportive of our troops, even changing his Doonesbury cartoon to address some of the major personal issues of the war. He's also updated his Sandbox element of his website to allow the troops themselves to express themselves. He's collected the best of it in a book and here's a snippet on that.

Wilkinson let me know earlier about a mom trying to get Silly String to her son in Iraq. Apparently, you can shoot some into a doorway or threshold and it will snag on any tripwires. It is a cheap and easy way to save the lives of our troops. He's followed up on this story and she was finally able to ship about 80,000 cans of the stuff to our troops. Here's an audio story on the subject as well.

A horrible story about a unit in Iraq who still haven't found two of their own, and are shipping home in a couple weeks. you have got to feel for these guys.

In somewhat sunnier news, the tale of an Iraqi interpreter and his family who have been allow to