Random Selections: Pre-project tab clearing

Michael Chertoff is part of the Bush vanguard to rejoin the racists in the conservative movement. He recently lamented the fact that illegal aliens make a mess as they cross the border, apparently this "degrades the environment" in the worst possible way.

Moreso than carbon emissions from exhaust pipes, or illegal waste dumping, or stacking nuclear fuel rods on a fault line.

Yeah, he's talking about "dirty Mexicans". Apparently Bush is secretly planning on a third term.

The RIAA is trying to avoid paying the legal fees for a woman they knowingly falsely sued for copyright violations. So wait, basically they can sue everybody, know they have the wrong people, and then think they can get away with it? And hell, they probably will win the challenge. The total legal fees could be over a quarter million dollars. Have they no shame?

Never mind, I already know the answer. I mean, these idiots have so far sued a 12 year old and a grandmother without a computer amongst others.

In Portland, Maine the local school board has authorized a middle school to distribute birth control to it's girls. Now before you get all sanctimonious, the girls' parents have to authorize them to use the clinic before they can even get a pill. Also, the school has had an issue with teen pregnancies in recent years. Guess all that abstinence-only without any further education isn't quite working. Maybe they should all take to the "Christian" solution: anal sex.

Our Terminator future: a robot anti-aircraft gun opened up on a group of its military masters in South Africa. Nine dead, 14 wounded before they could shut it down. And to think of all the Predator drones just northwest of town here....

Then again, Leslie just called to warn me of a sniper at the Hilton. Thankfully that's not on the drive home. More proof that we *still* haven't created a greater threat to humanity than, well, humanity.