(Republicans will spend money) "to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough...to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement."Adding, later, "I have nothing but respect for our brave men and women in uniform and wish them the very best. But I respect neither the Commander-in-Chief who keeps them in harm's way nor the chickenhawks in Congress who vote to deny children health care."
- Rep. Pete Stark, CA on how Republicans can waste the lives of our young in Iraq, but won't provide poor children healthcare
I wonder when Rush is going to denigrate these soldier's service? Twelve career Army captains wrote an editorial in the Washington Post this week, describing the Iraq War from their point of view. Hint: it isn't about being hailed as "liberators".
I'm sure the conservative chickenhawks will find a way to discredit them.
The recent head of the National Counterterrorism Center verified what we already knew: Bush's actions have made us tactically less safe than we were before invading Iraq. And then he resigned a few days later, probably to avoid a pack of draft-dodging Republicans from dragging his name in the mud.
Also, someone for the warmongers to keep in mind. Black recruitment has dropped 58 percent since 2000. Guess our young African-Americans don't want to go fight a war for the Party of Racism. Go figure.
Want proof? Obama would like Bush's head of the DOJ's Voting Rights Division fired for saying that poll taxes only hurt the elderly "because our society is such that minorities don't become elderly the way white people do. They die first." So nice of you to say, asshat.
Blackwater may get kicked out of Iraq for doing things like, oh, shooting packs of unarmed civilians, for instance. NPR inexplicably gave Eric Prince (o'Darkness), head of Blackwater, a fluff interview where he stated that his boys are on the sides of the angels. It would be instructive to remember that the angel known as Lucifer Morningstar is now better known as Satan.
More, and worse, news on the cholera epidemic we inadvertently helped create in Iraq.
And with news that our "Coalition of the Willing" is increasingly less - well, willing - to let our foreign policy blunders kill their citizens soldiers, at least one nation is actually (and temporarily) increasing its military commitment: Georgia. You know, the place where someone tried to assassinate Bush a couple years ago but used a dud grenade? Yeah, them.
England is already planning to halve its forces there. And after today's election, Poland will likely just leave entirely.