Eating well

Awhile back I had some bloodwork done and the doctor pretty much freaked out and told me I need to be eating better. Well, I knew that but being given some really stern reminders of it have gotten me to change some of my ways. Like, I drink like a Coke a month as opposed to a gallon a day, for instance. And while I miss a good steak, that's been off the menu for awhile too. So, while I'm not entirely happy about all these changes, they are probably good for me, plus I'm still alive to bitch about it.

Anyway, I've been reading up on eating better, mostly from LifeHacker - and if you aren't going to that site by now, you're just plain missing out. Here's some highlights I linked from there:

- 10 foods we aren't eating, though I do have some of these regularly

- 11 mood lifting foods

- Foods that help prevent disease

- 8 foods we should eat every day

- Healthy snacking

- The ultimate grilling guide, plus a bonus link to grilling the perfect steak

- What a 300 calorie meal looks like

- A healthy lunch, healthy fast food, and healthy choices at your favorite Chinese take-out joint

- How to shop for healthy food, how long food stays fresh in the fridge

Also, useful diet tips, an article on how to use chopsticks, plus one on ways to prevent bad breath.