"If the general remains silent while the statesman commits a nation to war with insufficient means, he shares culpability for the results."Lt. Col. Paul Yingling
Army officers are assessing the military's role in Iraq. Namely, the administration couldn't have done all this without some complicity from their leadership. It's a sobering conclusion, and a discussion that needs to be had if we are to get out of this war.
"There has been a glaring and unfortunate display of incompetent strategic leadership within our national leaders."Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez
Case in point, the former general in charge of US forces in Iraq, is harshly criticizing the Bush Administration for its mishandling of the war. Should he have done it sooner and risked his career by complaining while still in theatre? I don't think there's a good answer for that, but you've got to wonder. More on his comments here.
Speaking of other black marks that inadvertently affect our military, despite the fact that Bush and company is completely backing Blackwater, there is more proof emerging that no one was shoooting at them when they decided to go full auto on a crowd of civilians recently.
Income inequality is rising, no thanks to Bush's policies I'm sure. Robert Reich discusses this and other issues between our democracy and our economics in his new book Supercapitalism (read a review and an excerpt).
Bush continues to be bad for GOP candidates and that's still good news for me.
Oh, and some Republicans are retiring because the Democratic-led House is making them work five days a week. Oh no! And some even go as far as to blame Dems for being against families for making them work and travel. Look, I don't have a lot of sympathy for asshats who refuse to give kids health insurance, send our young adults off to war without end, rape the environment, give their cronies tax breaks, try to turn our country into a Christian version of Iran, and then bitch about having to work more than three days a week.
Screw those whiners and good riddance to them.