Slightly delayed revelation

So, that moron douchebag Warren Jeffs came up today and the following occurs to me.

Nevada has legalized prostitution. You can get married (or divorced) in the time it takes to get a good buzz on. We damn near legalized pot in the last election.

AND STILL it was up to us to bust a guy who is basically either endorsing pedophilia or mandating sex slavery - depending on how you want to look at it - in the name of God.

So yeah, not "moral" Utah, not Republican Arizona, not Psycho-fringe Texas where they let him hide out for years.

He had to go get busted, sentenced, and jailed in Vegas. "Sin City". The "moral values" asshats have quietly let this behavior go on for years and have for over a century without interference. Now, I'm probably not qualified to judge those who want multiple partner relationships. It is not for me and I personally find something a bit odd with it. I *do* however find something wrong with forcing a child who hasn't even stepped into high school into an arranged marriage where they are supposed to immediately start chucking out infants.

It took Las Vegas, and Nevada at large, to make a dent into trying to stop the abuse and basically rape of children. There's so much work left to go, but it will take the so-called "compassionate conservatives" to step up to the plate and join us Nevadans in ending this particular brand of twisted evil.

That said, I'm not banking on them to do it. Hypocrisy is a powerful drug.

So, yeah, go Nevada.