I've been listening to the relentless NewSpeak about Hillary Clinton and how she MUST BE THE CANDIDATE for months now, and I'm sure most of you have as well. Hilariously enough, most of this talk has come from either fervent Clinton supporters as well as right wing Talibangelical types who think they could run a smear of George Bush's shit on a piece of newspaper and win. And, looking at their options, that would probably be their best bet too.
Anyway, for those Republicans who keep telling me it MUST BE CLINTON, I've always said, "No one has voted yet. Stay tuned." They laugh and go on with their fantasies of a continuation of the Bush Apocalypse. Well, tonight people finally got to vote. Just the farmers and small town folks of Iowa, but it still counts. Given the results, maybe moreso.
So, how did the initial set of voters do? Obama won. Clinton didn't. Actually, she came in third to John Edwards. And if you watched her speech, it was of a woman who truly believes her own press releases than the reality in front of her. She looked - and sounded - defeated but unaware of the consequences of her lack of personality and charisma. Running on name recognition and telling everyone you are the candidate will probably not make you the candidate. It's too early to tell if this is the trend I hope it is, but tonight Edwards earned his righteous indignation, Obama smiled brighter and began to believe, and Clinton should have put out a press release. She sounded ridiculous.