I'm in my hotel room in Camp Verde, AZ watching the results come in from the South Carolina primary. Frankly, there's still plenty of hope in the tank, as Obama trounced Clinton and Edwards in that state.
Hillary Clinton just came on to give her concession/glossing over bad news speech. She's already in Tennessee, having tacitly acknowledged she was going to get whupped.
I don't what she's saying as I've turned it off.
I've been turning her off for awhile. Lately, Bill Clinton is on the list too, for the obvious reason that he's become his wife's equivalent of a Republican attack dog. And I really should come up with a new word for that as it is an insult to pups everywhere.
For a long while now, I've been turning Bush off whenever he comes on the radio or TV. He has nothing worthwhile to say to me and I can just as easily read about his lies and hatred without listening to his annoying ass voice.
And you know what? I don't get my blood boiling as much by not giving these kinds of people air time in my head. My heart rate remains steady and I don't get as wound up as I could be with all that hate and disrespect and verbal crap running around my brainpan.
And you know what else? I doubt NPR or CNN or whoever gives a damn really, but wouldn't it be fun if they started noticing these momentary blips of people turning off their feed and at least reported on it? Wouldn't it be nice to at least freak out a couple marketing freaks, if just for one moment in time?
So, come on. Give it a shot. Turn it off or change the channel. Kill the sound bites, the lecherous ads, the outright lying speeches. You really aren't missing anything important. I promise.