McCain and Romney have been going at it for days, each trying to paint the other as a liberal. Because of it, McCain may have won Florida, but lost a little more decency in the process.
Look at it this way. The Republicans are all running to the right, kissing the asses of the so-called religious right. You know, the Taliban-analogs we have that want to kill gays, take away citizenship for children of illegals, blow up abortion clinics and assassinate doctors, who want public funding of their hate-filled churches so they can teach our children that evolution and global warming don't exist and that the earth is only 6,000 years old and that we should pillage the planet because Jebus is coming any day now.
And then there are all the racists and corporate sleazebags which make up the rest of the party.
Meanwhile, Obama is trying to appeal to all Americans, Clinton is swearing she's not the evil dragon lady the GOP has labeled her all these years (despite apparently turning out to actually BE said dragon lady given recent behavior), and Edwards is at least speaking up for the majority of Americans and not just a few thousand hojillionaires.
So yeah, I like the Democrats chances if the argument can be made in such a way.
That said, I was going to rant on some more about this but One Pissed Off Veterans does it so much better.
Also, if you haven't been to the site before, be sure to check out his weekly Friday by the Numbers.