Bipolar much?


"And -- and you know, no matter what happens in this contest -- and I am honored. I am honored to be here with Barack Obama. I am absolutely honored."

- Hillary Clinton, at the debate in Austin


"People talk a lot about change. We have lived through some of the worst change that anyone could imagine the last seven years"

- Clinton, comparing Obama to Bush

and more than once

Or check this out too:


"I could stand up here and say, let's just get everybody together, let's get unified, the sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing, and everyone will know we should do the right thing, and the world will be perfect."

- Clinton mocking Obama's message of hope

A word on experience. Clinton, as a 27-year old attorney in Arkansas, got a plea deal for an accused rapist by attacking the character of the 12-year old girl her client raped. How's THAT for experience? Frankly, I want none of it.

Obama is also responding to attacks on his patriotism from both the Clinton campaign and the GOP.

He's also responding to a myriad of Clinton attacks. Meanwhile, you can call the Clinton campaign to give advice on how to attack Obama. I bet the RNC is going to have a HUGE phone bill next month.

More on the Clinton support for NAFTA. And hey, my uncle lost his job due to NAFTA, and he's a Mexican citizen whose skilled job got eliminated when his factory turned to making junk for the US market.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are trying to poll just how much sexism and racism they can get away with before being labeled as such. Erm, just fess up that you are. Most of us aren't so delusional we don't already know that.

And this? I just found it hilarious:

And when asked, Obama was honest in saying that if he lost as many primaries and caucuses as she has, he'd be getting much more pressure to quit. Hell, they ran off Giuliani after only six losses. She's up to 11.