Look, I'm not against getting other points of view. That said, there's a reason I don't listen to Limbaugh or watch FAUXNews. They are incredibly biased, full of hate, and I am definitely not their target audience.
Now, I know CNN has taken it on the chin for being a "liberal" network. That said, they've always had some conservative asshole like Paula Zahn, or Tucker Carlson, Bob Novak, and bigot Lou Dobbs to scream some moderate level bile to be more "fair and balanced" than the FAUXNews morons. But seriously, watching this year's campaign coverage is just about unacceptable.
Over at Headline News, you can't even watch prime time because of hatemonger Glenn Beck and the ever-increasingly unhinged Nancy Grace. But that's just another story.
CNN's "Best Political Team" is what irks me. One, is Wolf Blitzer credible to anyone anymore? I just love his day job as foil to Jack Cafferty's insults of just about any idiot on the planet earth. Jack would just be an angry old guy with Wolf's seeming obliviousness to the obvious.
Two, since when did paying Paul Begala and James Carville to be objective about the Democratic race become an example of being impartial? Thankfully, they've been sidelined a bit.
At least Donna Brazile has realized the ridiculousness of the situation and keeps her bias to a minimum.
Third, what's with all the fire-breathing conservatives? Bill Bennett, that nasty Leslie Sanchez who thinks I'm going to hell for being a Latino Democrat, the comely but ridiculous Amy Holmes.
Seriously, why is the only person worth listening to Jeffrey Toobin, the legal guy?
But CNN isn't alone in this pandering to right wing shills. I can't even listen to NPR on the way into work this week. They are talking to the most vile types of conservatives this week, like Glenn Beck and Grover Norquist. Thankfully, that shitheel William F. Buckley probably won't be available for comment, as his wicked self is now dead.
Bonus: Here's a poll for you related to Tim "Douchebag" Russert's slimy anti-Semite attack on Obama.