Hillary Clinton isn't bothered by her string of losses in so-called "red states". In fact, she pretty much assumes that no Democrat can win them so they just don't matter to her.
Funny, the Democratic party has made huge gains in those states. I mean, come on, the governor of friggin' militia HQ Montana is a Democrat these days. And I didn't see her balk at winning Oklahoma and its Democratic governor's support either.
So yeah, fellow Democrats: you "don't matter" to Hillary Clinton. But I could have told you that a long time ago.
She also thinks the superdelegates will back her, even if the popular vote says otherwise. In fact, she is counting on them to override the will of the people.
Clinton is also attacking Obama and challenging him to more debates. Yeah, MORE debates. Obama's answer, though nicer than the following, is that he's done talking with a windbag like her and would rather spend time speaking with actual voters.
Hillary and her pal Ed Rendell, governor of Pennsylvania, are race baiting again, saying that whites will not vote for a black man. This is pretty sickening stuff to be coming out of the mouths of Democrats.
This racist bullshit is EXACTLY why that bitch Hillary will not be getting my vote if she steals the nomination. And at this point, that's pretty much what she would have to do. You know, unless Texas backs her like I think it will, especially given the aforementioned racial overtones pushed by her campaign.
F her. And F Texas for being so full of old school southern crackers. Hopefully they'll just vote GOP like they usually do.
Speaking of racist attacks, a McCain advisor will quit the campaign if Obama becomes the Democratic nominee. Guess he knows exactly how the GOP will attack Obama and wants no part of it. Wow, a non-racist Republican. I knew some still existed but I wasn't sure they held any positions of authority. Surprises occur every day. Who knew?
Republicans disrupt a memorial for a recently deceased House member in order to stage some procedural votes. Classy. Remind me to piss on Trent Lott's open casket when he finally dies from ass cancer or having no soul.
John McCain had a chance today to vote against waterboarding. He apparently is fine with it. So much for him being against torture. What an ass. He should know better.