Granted, there are a lot of things to fix in this country: stuff Bush did, stuff Bush didn't do, stuff Bush inadvertently caused because he's a dipshit. There are also long-standing issues that the Chimperor never addressed, but neither did anyone before him. So, let's take a look at some of all of the above that have come to mind recently.
Our new wars have brought forth new homeless vets. The government is obviously not as worried about this problem as they should be, though some groups are. There just aren't enough to take care of the problem.
Here is a look at the problem from Las Vegas.
Soldier suicides are a record levels and still only token political speech is given from Washington.
Our country is dead last in offering preventative health care among industrialized nations. Our citizens are dying from things we could treat if only our health care system didn't suck so much.
Also, if you are in a hospital and are a minority, you are less likely to receive pain medication. Lovely.
Latinos also earn far, far less than their white counterparts. Things you already knew, but a reminder never hurts.
More later I suppose.