Just got back from my manager's annual Super Bowl party. Once again, a good time was had by all. Luke, you see, is an Aussie and by definition thinks putting on pads to play sports is just silly. But he grills good meat and has a widescreen and isn't *too* condescending about the whole thing, so it's a nice place to get together.
But this year was just a bit nicer because of the outcome of the game. It was a really good game as it was, but that late comeback by the Giants made it all the sweeter.
Oh, I'm not a Giants fan. Hell, those of you who know me know I'm not even that much of a football fan. But seriously, you've got a team led by a smug quarterback who assumes he should win by the grace of who he is. You've got a coach who got caught cheating and is unapologetic. Hell, he spent most of this year running up the score. Look, I'm as tired of Miami fans as most of you are, but if someone is going to have a perfect season, then let it be some club other than the New England Patriots.
Sorry to make this political, but she started it first.
Hillary Clinton thinks that just because the Giants are from New York that this is a good sign for her.
I'm here to break it to you Hillary: you are actually the Patriots. You are the one every talking head keeps saying "should" be the nominee. You're supposed to be an inevitable force of nature. If you don't cheat (though your sudden endorsements for Michigan and Florida delegates give a hint of it), you and your husband have done your share of brow-beating and voter intimidation. You're mean, nasty people that I would not enjoy supporting. And, like Tom Brady, you have an entry at Dickipedia. (They're overwhelmed right now, but do try to link that later.)
She may end up the nominee, and I still think I'll have a hard time voting for her. I'd hate to sit our and not vote for a presidential candidate, but she could make me do it.
In any event, over the weekend, Frank Rich weighed in on the JFK-Obama comparisons, Maria Shriver, Ethel Skakel Kennedy, Susan Eisenhower, and Garrison Keillor all endorsed Barack Obama. The Black Eyed Peas will.i.am collaborated with other celebrities to bring you the Yes We Can song.
Plus, more on the reason Hillary's big mouth lost her the Kennedy family. Also, another look at the influence of race in the campaign.
That's it for now. Have a good one.