Endorsements aren't everything, but....

I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them. But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president -- not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans.

- Caroline Kennedy, in her New York Times editorial this past Sunday

As I am posting this, the Los Angeles Times has "strongly endorsed" Barack Obama.

Now I normally don't get wrapped up in celebrity endorsements and the like, but this has been a great week if you are an Obama supporter.

First, Caroline Kennedy's moving endorsement on Sunday, comparing the energy of Obama's campaign to her father's.

Like you, we want a president who appeals to the hopes of those who still believe in the American dream.

- Ted Kennedy, the very next day (video)

Much thanks to the esteemed senator for his words and family's endorsement.

And more are piling in. MoveOn endorsed today, as did some House members, along with former pro-Edwards unions like the Transport Workers Union and the California SEIU.

Alongside those come former Fed chairman Paul Volcker and a nice endorsement from "The Nation".

And yeah, even Hulk Hogan.

And what about Hillary Clinton?

Hillary is absolutely more conservative. Moreover she lies less than John McCain, she's smarter than John McCain. When she's caught shamelessly lying at least the Clinton's know they've been caught lying. McCain is so stupid he doesn't even know he's been caught.

- Ann Coulter, on supporting Hillary Clinton (video here)

That's right, Clinton's newest backer is evil pitbull Ann Coulter. If *that* doesn't convince you not to vote for her, nothing will. So yeah, Clintonites, go ahead and tell me you're on the side of good here.

Clinton's other "big" endorsement this week? John Grisham. Seriously, that makes the Hulk Hogan one look good by comparison.

Aside from all the goodwill endorsements, Obama has pulled in $32 million in support this month from over a quarter million people. If you are planning to donate to his campaign, please do so through my page at the Obama site. Thanks.