Turns out - and I'd love to think this is rumor, but I doubt it - that the black superdelegate supporters of Hillary Clinton are being pressured to "vote their race" and support Barack Obama.
Look, I think they're delusional and on the wrong side of the majority of Democrats. Hell, I'd love one of them to give me a reason why they back Hillary after all the vile crap she and her campaign has pulled lately.
That said, they are planning to vote the way they are for a reason. Let them do it. Don't sink to the same race-baiting the Clinton family advocates. Don't shove someone over to "our side" when they honestly believe in something different. Don't belittle their choice, even if their candidate is petty, small, cruel, and unworthy.
Basically, don't sink to the Clinton's level folks.
Just let them be wrong. After this is all over, you can not vote for them, not buy their books, change the channel when they go on as a talking head, shun them for the rest of their days for backing bigotry. That's what I do with most Republicans. Clinton and pals are just signing up for the same program as far as I'm concerned.