Hillary Clinton has a lot of shrill and angry supporters these days. She's also been conservative attack goons for support against Obama.
What she doesn't want you to know is that one of those angry supporters is George W. Bush.
First off, he stood up for Bill Clinton and said he wasn't a racist, despite everything Bill said in South Carolina. Being in charge of the GOP, Bush knows what a racist is, so I'll actually give him the benefit of the doubt on this. That said, I still say the Clintons are race-baiters, whispering soft bigotry solely to score a couple percentage points in a poll. It doesn't sink to the level of them going to a white sale to get a new wardrobe, but it isn't that far from it.
Now he's attacking Obama for wanting to talk to "tyrants", basically making HIllary's argument in packaging to be used later for John McCain. Then again, this is the same guy who walks through the Rose Garden holding hands with guys who charge us over $100 for a barrel of oil and use that money to sponsor and birth terrorists. So, where's his credibility on this?
Hillary rad a scare tactic ad in Texas. It's a pretty low place for her to go, but you can watch it here. (Okay, fine, that's not it. But that's how I saw it.) One of the commenters posted a Bill Clinton quote which I find incredibly relevant.
"Now one of Clinton's laws of politics is this: If one candidate's trying to scare you and the other one's trying to get you to think, if one candidate's appealing to your fears and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."- Bill Clinton, October 25, 2004
Oh, what else? Apparently one of Clinton's attack dogs considers 60-year old people to be the elderly. This is what they think of their STRONGEST supporters. What do you think they say about the rest of us?
Clintonites are also thinking of suing the Texas Democratic Party for it's "primacaucus" setup. Basically, there's a primary with the majority of delegates, then a caucus later on Tuesday night. A couple points here. One, Clintonites helped set this system up. Second, they tried this crap here in Nevada when the teacher's union tried to disenfranchise casino workers. Third, the ONLY reason they are mad now is because people who are active politically don't like her and she has a horrid record at caucuses.
You know what? I'm linking that video again.
And, just for chuckles, one more bit of unfairness with a pic of Clinton at some Ohio high school: