"The only Obama-Clinton ticket I would endorse is one that includes funkmaster deluxe George Clinton. Otherwise, no dice."
- Commenter TKD
While normally I don't read Marc Ambinder much (he's another Clinton apologist), he has an interesting poll up on the concept of an Obama/Clinton ticket. Vote here and vote accordingly.
Andrew Sullivan brought this up awhile back, and is grudgingly for it. I still firmly believe that doing so nullifies everything Obama says he is against concerning the tone and tenor of Washington politics. Plus, as oft noted, I am not voting for a racist and she increasingly qualifies as such.
More campaign nonsense, including a gag on the gas tax scam.
Also, some fun at the expense of Hillary as her campaign makes up an imaginary gun to try to challenge Obama on his gun control stance. Annie Oakley my ass.
Paul Krugman swears he isn't a Clinton supporter, but his words betray him. Maybe if he changes his name to Peter and denies her two more times....
To wrap, a good article from Kurt Anderson on the whole elitist charge.