So, today, via a video on HuffPo because I'm still not going to watch FAUXNews for anything useful, we saw why, despite his many, many, MANY faults, Howard Dean is head of the DNC. He tells it like he sees it.
Now if only he could tell Clinton to go buzz off.
Meanwhile, Clinton mulls plans to steal the nomination. Also, Dean will be key in thwarting this attempt should he grow the stones required to block this.
Since no economist in America can find a way to back the Clinton-McCain gas tax holiday, Hillary has dubbed them all "elitists". Wait, I swear I've heard that before....
The Boston Herald focuses on Hillary's insane foreign policy ideas in Hillary Strangelove.
I've shown a variation of this before, but it bears repeating:
Not that I ever put a lot of merit into what Dick Morris has to say, but he might be right in arguing that Hillary is - at this point anyway - running for the nomination in 2012 instead of this year.
And this is weird, but since she considers gays firmly behind her already, I guess Clinton is cool with a little light gay bashing to inspire the more surly and intolerant blue collar voters she wants to pull for her. Nice.
And hey, let's follow up with a Tom Hanks endorsement.