"Tell me why she's not Ralph Nader. We're in spoiler-land, now."
- Anonymous Democrat
More on that imbecile Clinton drone Tom McDermott. Apparently, he was also involved in bitching about black kids being bussed to early voting sites, presumably for Obama, but NOT being told to vote so. This is in line with the Clintonista lawsuit to stop casino workers from voting here in Nevada, or in many flavors of her campaign's efforts to strip votes away from Obama, and from Democratic voters.
While we are at it, and yeah, they have the right to change their mind but...who exactly was behind the Puerto Rico changeover from a caucus to a primary? It is the last shot in the primary season and they only made the change not much more than a month ago. Sounds fishy to me, that's all I'm saying.
A ton of election stuff. Just don't tell me you weren't warned.
"You know what's funny?
There's a guy named Harold Ickes who was on the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee who voted last year to strip Michigan and Florida of their delegates for violating the rules.
I mean what are the odds?"
- ABC's Jake Tapper
Clinton is going to keep trying to seat the Michigan and Florida delegates - at least the ones that voted for her, no matter what it does to the party. The irony, of course, as Tapper points out is that her attack dog Ickes is instrumental in their votes not counting in the first place. Karma, ain't it a bitch?
Incidentally, she's broke. Oh, yeah, she's still morally and philosophically bankrupt, but she's loaned her campaign $6.4 million. A loan. You know, even Romney knew he wasn't getting his $30 million back. She should at least suck it up and put the money in the pot, lest her supporters consider their donations as a loan and ask for their money back.
Stick a fork in her. She's done.