A teacher in Idaho threw away a student's Mexican flag he brought to school to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Said teacher's explanation is pretty damn flimsy.
This is the kind of crap that will also stop me from voting for a Rethug or a Clinton (anyway, Bill *did* fool me twice).
So, if Hammond, Indiana's Tom McDermott is yesterday's Asshole of the Day, Twin Falls teacher Clint Straatman has earned today's privilege. Or Monday's since he did it then. Oh heck, let's make him Asshole of the Week.
Moving away from this crap, some sharp-barbed humor.
A joke from 23/6 about the end of the primary season: Will Puerto Ricans save a white woman from a black assailant?
From the same site, a couple of McCain jabs concerning his so-called "Maverick" status:
as well as a list of proposed slogans.