Wrong date, McCain

I got a nice reaction at HuffPo on this so figured I'd cross-post this here and at MyBO. It relates to today's news that McCain is trying to pin Obama as a foreign policy lightweight tied to the ways of the past. Which, as we all know, is such BS.

I would argue that instead of the September 10th mindset that McSame is trying to sell us, Obama has a September 12th mindset.

Remember when the world was shocked and entirely on our side? Remember when we still had allies totally committed to our cause? People we could share intelligence with foreign nations and plan actions against our common enemies alongside?

Remember when we didn't have to be chastised with "don't forget Poland!" when trying to remember which few countries were still with us? When allies were common partners and not places to redention people to get tortured in the name of Almighty George Bush?

That, "my friends", was September 12th, 2001. Every day after that was a direct slap in the face of world opinion by George Bush, sanctioned by people like John McCain. Is that the kind of leadership we NEED to return to? The kind where we made common cause with our fellow democracies against an evil abusing religion for it's own dirty ends? Yeah. You bet.