Conservative Fred Barnes knows how McCain can win: make Republicans afraid that gays are out to get them. That's right, when you don't have a leg to stand on policy-wise, when you are on the wrong side of the Iraq War, tax cuts for the rich, drilling every square inch of America for oil that costs five times to get what you can charge for it, and so on, go ahead and scare the hell out of the populace with fear of a gay planet.

It also works with race. Stay tuned for that as well.

Seriously, I am so tired of these assholes.

They hate gays and think Hollywood is taking over America. Last I checked, country music and racism are still alive and well in America. Need proof? Listen to the chorus of Jesse Helms apologists ever since he took the express train to Hell a few days ago.

They hate science and now we've got zealots trying to cram creationism down our kid's throats. We've got a president who doesn't believe in global warming. The same assclown turned off research into stem cell therapies leaving us with only six good lines as 65 of the 71 he grudgingly approved of are worthless. In South Dakota, doctors by law have to lie about abortion to women who are considering the procedure.

Rethugs are behind the Muslim meme about Obama. False, in case you were in Dogpatch and still don't get it.

Bonus 236 views of Carly Fiorina and Smirkin' Mitt Romney. Where DO these find these frightening fools?