Studio 360 recently replayed a story on Bell Labs it did a couple years ago. Listen to it below:
Here is some more on the rise and fall of Bell Labs, later Lucent, and now Alcatel-Lucent.
The reason this seems relevant to me in more than just being a good story about how we work for stockholders more than for actual results is that it has political ties.
"I heard he spends his days playing Battlefield Vietnam but he's a bit shit at it and he's always getting captured."- thetoadwarrior at Slashdot commenting about McCain and technology
While crude, McCain doesn't apparently really even have a grasp on email, though both he and Obama have a view on the issues (this link also includes Clinton because she hadn't faced reality yet). Basically McSame is in the pocket of telcos and such and is more a continuation of Bush, as he is in so many other things. Am I totally happy with Obama's stance on tech? No, but any candidate that fit my criteria couldn't ever get elected.
McCain is also in trouble for taking technology advice from Carly Fiorina. Despite this fawning wet kiss from some hack at the LA Times, Carly is STILL the person that did nothing to stop Lucent's slide and almost single-handedly destroyed Hewlett-Packard by merging it with Compaq. So, aside from being a blowhard, she's also a failure. A failure in business advising a guy who wrecked five airplanes, earning the backhanded moniker of "Ace". And both of them wanted to push the policies of a guy who couldn't make money pumping oil.
And the GOP is the friend of business? Gimme a break.