Why the hell is this idiot running from president?
I mean, I'm not sure if he actually is beginning to go senile or if he's ALWAYS been this big of a dumbass and they've hidden it from us. Either way, I don't want this guy in charge of an ice cream truck, much less having the codes to a pile of nukes.
For being the "experienced" candidate, he sure is an idiot. Let's review a random list of crap he's screwed up in just the past couple weeks. As you go through it, realize that if Obama f'ed up this bad, he'd be run back to Chicago by a GOP goon squad.
First off, let's get a couple things straight. McCain insists the Surge is working. Indeed, he incorrectly insists that the Surge is actually shorthand for "counter-insurgency" when it really means, duh, a surge of troops. So, from the get-go, he's a douchebag.
And a liar.
So, the so-called "Anbar Awakening", when the Sunnis figured out we were giving the country over to the Shi'ites and Kurds if they didn't start playing ball. McCain credits a certain sheik for helping this happen, even though said sheik was assassinated.
By according the McMummy: "Because of the surge we were able to go out and protect that sheik and others. And it began the Anbar awakening."
Yeah. Nice catch there.
This is part of the CBS coverup. Incidentally, MoveOn has a petition to tell CBS to report honestly. It probably won't do anything but make you feel better, but there ya go.
He also forgets that the war in Afghanistan even exists. Then again, why would he? He hasn't attended a meeting on Afghanistan in over two years.
This article explains that McCain doesn't just have his facts wrong - he doesn't understand the Iraq War AT ALL. Seriously, this guy is dangerous due to his inability to face reality. And haven't we had more than enough of that?
To there credit though, MSNBC is seemingly the only network honest enough to call bullshit of the crap CBS pulled.
And in this roundup you can read about how much McCain and the GOP are total assholes. 'Nuff said.